
7 Coding Trends to Watch in 2021

December 14, 2020

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Since more than a decade, software development has become a significant aspect of business, and we all know today developers have become an asset to businesses, key tools to help businesses innovate, evolve, and grow. In coding, everything depends on the coder skill-set, right from problem-solving skill to an informed decision making capability. As a result, software and mobile development have become imperative to business growth and their eventual success.

We are already into the last quarter of 2020 and it’s clear as day that whoever has the arsenal of cutting-edge software technology, will come out on top in this year’s corporate battle.

As we move towards the end of this year, experts are predicting new trends in coding for business to keep up with the industry demands for the coming year. Here are the 2021 coding trends that are predicted to dominate the development industry in 2021:

1.Native App Development Will Remain Unparalleled

In 2020, Native app development has created programming that fits to run on specific devices, unlike hybrid apps. And as you can understand, the mostly targeted device for native app development were the smartphones. Since iOS and Android have captured the world application market and are going to be there for some time now, investing on these is going to be significant.

Even with the advent of cross-platform tools like React Native and Flutter offering  faster development, focus of investment towards native app development continues, thanks to the enhanced user experience and powerful performance of applications.

2.Angular 2+| React | NodeJS will be Starring in the 2020 Showdown

Top three frameworks being NodeJS, Angular 2+ and React dominant in 2020, we have understood that for 2021 nothing is going to change. Here’s what we think about the three powerhouse frameworks of software development:
Angular 2+ is a fully-featured framework that allows simple routing and helps you build compelling user interfaces.
ReactJS is a library where you have to write less code and the implementation of virtual DOM allows for enhanced performance. Today, ReactJS is the common choice of JavaScript Framework Developers.
NodeJS is fast and lightweight. It is the go-to framework for fast and scalable networking applications.

3.Big Data Computation — Apache Spark at the Heart of Data Analysis

Previously, Hadoop Map-Reduce was the framework utilized for the computation of large scale datasets. Today, Apache Spark has taken over the Distributed Batch Job and has bested Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) in performance and costs.

Apache Spark has specifically targeted the limitations of Hadoop Map-Reduce. It processes everything in memory instead of storing data after each operation. Spark is predicted to rule over the batch processing framework in 2021 and even afterward.

4.Rust Programming Language to Top the Charts in 2021

Rust has started to gain a lot of traction in the industry and even though it still has a long way to go, more and more companies are looking into adopting Rust in 2021. One of the reasons behind this is that Rust is more than just a set of libraries or a compiler.
Rust aims to make programming easier, safer and more fun. This approach has proven critical in the journey of Rust from a hobby language to one of the main programming languages in the industry.

5.Kotlin | Scala | Java are a good trio

Java programming will continue to dominate the market in 2021. Java’s runtime, Java Virtual Machine offers an excellent foundation for JAVA and many popularly used programming languages like Kotlin and Scala use JVM as their runtime.

However, Oracle has changed the license for JVM and a one-time license for Java SE 8 or later is no longer available. That means all the companies using Java, Kotlin and Scala (JVM languages) now have to pay large subscription fees.

6.On Cloud Premises continue to boom

cloud service provider will continue to be in demand, with the need to serve more and more in the coming year 2021. It seems like every business from a small startup to conservative companies like health care, government organizations, banks, insurances and intelligence agencies are turning to cloud vendors. This trend will only grow in 2021 as more companies of all sizes move to Cloud. So if you’re still hesitant about Cloud, maybe it’s time to leave your inhibitions and move to Cloud.

7.Watch Out for Distributed SQL

SQL has bagged the top spots for popular databases in 2021 mainly because SQL offers durable ACID transactional guarantees. Since this transactional system is essential for business applications, we can be rest assured that SQL databases will flourish in 2021. Web-scale companies, however, are looking for a database that offers the ACID guarantee of an SQL database but the horizontal scaling of a NoSQL database.
2021 is looking at a Distributed SQL Database that will finally fulfill the requirements of web-scale companies.


Coding trends change each year and this will continue to happen in the years to come. The software industry is one of the most competitive industries today, largely because technology can no longer be kept separate from business. Hence more and more programming languages will rise to the forefront of software development and older ones will fall behind business.
These are our predictions for the programming language experts at Terralogic that will dominate the coding trends in the year 2021.

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