
Design Audit Services

Find gaps in your website/app experience, and get immediate solutions for improvement.

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It’s all about

Identifying gaps and finding solutions

Design consistency influences the website/app experience for customers. Deviation in website/app experience can affect customer trust and likability negatively.


Business owners, managers, founders, designers and developers can sometimes get far too close to their website/app to notice flaws in it. Design audits provide an unbiased and objective view of the website/app’s strengths and weaknesses and provide actionable design direction.


What do we do?

Our experts thoroughly examine all elements of the website app based on business objectives, metrics, and usability standards. They then list down the areas of improvement and recommend solutions to improve the overall experience.



How do we do it?

  • Understand the goals

    Understand the goals

    Our UX/UI experts discuss the main business and usability objectives with stakeholders with the help of a workshop.

  • Understand the goals

    Record findings

    We create an evaluation document that records the main UX/UI obstacles and gaps in style, hierarchy, typography.

  • Understand the goals

    Review the website/app

    With the help of heuristics evaluation and design principles framework, our team goes through the customer journey, brand guidelines and reviews your website/app.

  • Understand the goals

    Recommend solutions

    We suggest solutions, roadmaps, quick wins and strategic design directions in the form of a detailed report.

frequently asked


  • Design audits should be performed prior to the major redesign of a product or website. Audits can also be performed proactively – once every 2 years – outside of the major design cycles of the product, to ensure that the product continues to serve user needs, and lives up to usability standards.

  • There are many direct and indirect benefits of performing Design Audits. Audits can have a direct and positive impact on conversion rates, lead generation and engagement. Design audits can also improve the design and usability of a website, which in turn will lead to happier customers who require less customer support.

  • Length of the audit entirely depends on the scope of the project. Audits can last from a week to a month, depending on the length and breadth of the application, product or platform.

  • Here are the best times to run usability tests :

    • When you want to benchmark an existing experience :

      Test your current product to identify issues and bottlenecks to help you figure out what to focus on next.

  • A design auditing services, directed by a user testing company, is an extensive evaluation of a digital product’s plan components and user experience. It includes evaluating the visual plan, ease of use, and functionality of the product against industry best practices and client assumptions. The review recognizes qualities, weaknesses, and areas for development in the design, giving significant bits of knowledge to improve the general user experience. By directing a design audit, organizations can streamline their computerized items to more readily address client issues and accomplish their objectives.

  • Design audit procedures are fundamental to assess the viability and nature of design components inside a product or service. By directing a design audit, organizations can distinguish areas for development, guarantee consistency with design standards, and improve user experience. These techniques assist with revealing usability issues, irregularities in visual plan, and arrangement with brand guidelines. By executing design audit processes, organizations can continuously refine their products and services to meet developing client needs and keep an upper hand on the lookout.

Our 15 years of achievements includes:

  • 10M+

    lines of codes

  • 2400+

    projects completed

  • 900+

    satisfied clients

  • 16+

    countries served

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