
We knew in the current situation we cannot enjoy a physical party. But that didn’t stop us from enjoying..

We celebrated Virtual Carnival!

A different kind of anniversary – This time virtually!

With all the preparations of a virtual party on the evening of August 26, the Terralogic family had more fun than we expected. This was very special, the global Terralogic family at one place. This was the first time for a lot of us connecting with another Terralogican across seas, from all offices around the world. It was great to see the spirit of participation, in one word, it was wonderful!

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Although it was mostly virtual, a few of us gathered around in a common space to keep up a few activities of the event.

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It was the first time when the global Terralogic family came together. Every year the physical party is celebrated with our team in India and thus never get an opportunity to interact with our global family. So this year it was a great experience to see everyone come together at once.

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Thanks to our IT and Ops team for the continuous connection and ensuring the live broadcast was seamless and uninterrupted.

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At HCMC, Vietnam we got fortunate since the pandemic was under control there, we managed a small party before the virtual fun

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Few moments from the incredible virtual event

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Celebrating 12 years of Terralogic with our global family, we felt more united, and more energetic for the year to come. And we could proudly say that the event was a Success.

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