What we did?
- LMS mobile platform
- Live video class
- With control and operate rights
An LMS is a platform for digital learning, LMS i.e. The Learning Management System can be either for practical or for academic learning. For us, we had to build an app based on LMS, aimed at nurturing students who are looking to have deep theoretical knowledge on the subject matter straight from the matter experts.
Our objective for this project was to design and implement multiple features in the LMS (learning management system) application which would give the students a range of options, where there would be no confusion about how to utilize each option for career growth.
Since the client had a high student base, we had to design and develop the application on microservices-based-architecture to bring on-to plate zero down time. Parallel with that, we had to ensure that the content based learning management system is available for both web and mobile apps that users can access and help students to prepare for competitive exams too. The user interface had to be designed and developed in such a way that end users get the feel of real time exam experience, while providing support to improve exam preparation at the same time.
Project Overview
With the aim of giving users an active initiative towards research and learning, we took the direction of the application development process of designing and implementing multiple features in the LMS India application. We aimed that the app should be able to provide the user various selection items along with information required to understand each of it. And as the ultimate goal of the project, we wanted to bring to users an LMS India app to mentor, motivate and guide the students at any point in their educational career.
The Challenge
For this project, the biggest challenge we had to solve was to make sure the load time of the application is optimized, since the app was expected to run videos and live video sessions simultaneously or as per the need, buffering needed to be real -time. At the same time, we had to improve the secure content as the application holds a lot of data related to multiple courses, which in turn should not break the application security. We had developed the product to enable students to take exams, that gives them an idea of the various competitive real-time exams and ensure that there will be no problems in tracing application updates.
Our Approach
With an online teaching app, the video access time became our top priority for optimization. We integrated the application with Zoom to achieve quality live sessions, recordings and to access the recorded classes. We then followed microservices based architecture because of which the user could experience high availability and zero downtime. Since the application had to hold huge numbers of videos, video loading time was one of the biggest challenges. For this, we integrated with ‘Vimeo’ for storing and streaming the videos which also enabled seamless video streaming, without spiking the site loading time. At the same time, the application was also deployed in a secure cloud infrastructure to secure both the system and its content.
The Solution
Throughout, we evaluated that the app needed to bring in true satisfaction for the user of the product. Wherein the product will seamlessly take the user through defining and refining the system that enables users to proactively select, subscribe to the desired courses and provide access to live sessions, recorded sessions and related documentation from the expert mentors. The app also provided access to the students to learn, practice, take up the mock tests, analyse their scores and make use of suggestions forum through which they can interact with their mentors. One in all, the application provided an online learning platform with reliable information that users can access at any time, anywhere with expert mentors through their educational journey.